jueves, 30 de julio de 2015


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Romanesque architecture in Toulouse, southern France.

Couvent des Jacobins

Cathedrale de Saint Étienne

Gothic interior

Basilique de Saint Sernin.

Musée des Augustins

Knights Templar facade, Rue de la Dalbade: l'hotel Molinier.

Basilique de Limoux

The Master of Animals, Pagan God self icons

 Photo slideshow with Troubadour musical accompaniment!

12th Century Troubadour Poetry.

Anonymous: A l’entrada del temps clar (Occitan)

A l’entrada del temps clar, eya
Per jòia recomençar, eya
E per jelós irritar, eya
Vòl la regina mostrar
Qu’el’es si amorosa
A la vi’, a la via, jelós,
Laissatz nos, laissatz nos
Balar entre nos, entre nos. 

El’ a fait pertot mandar, eya
Non sia jusqu’à la mar, eya
Piucela ni bachalar, eya
Que tuit non vengan dançar
En la dansa joiosa.
A la vi’, a la via, jelós,
Laissatz nos, laissatz nos
Balar entre nos, entre nos. 

Lo reis i ven d’autra part, eya
Per la dança destorbar, eya
Que el es en cremetar, eya
Que òm no li vòlh emblar
La regin’ aurilhosa.
A la vi’, a la via, jelós,
Laissatz nos, laissatz nos
Balar entre nos, entre nos. 

Mais per nïent lo vòl far, eya
Qu’ela n’a sonh de vielhart, eya
Mais d’un leugièr bachalar, eya
Qui ben sapcha solaçar
La dòmna saborosa.
A la vi’, a la via, jelós,
Laissatz nos, laissatz nos
Balar entre nos, entre nos. 

Qui donc la vezés dançar, eya
E son gent còrs deportar, eya
Ben pògra dir de vertat, eya
Qu’el mont non aja sa par
La regina joiosa.
A la vi’, a la via, jelós,
Laissatz nos, laissatz nos
Balar entre nos, entre nos

When Spring Comes (English translation)

When the clear days come, eya
To be joyful again, eya
And to annoy the jealous ones, eya
The queen wants to show
That she’s so amorous.
Go away, go away, you jealous ones,
Let us, let us,
Dance together, together.

She had a message sent everywhere, eya
That as far as the sea, eya
Let there be neither maiden nor young man, eya
Who shall not come to dance,
The joyous dance.
Go away, go away, you jealous ones,
Let us, let us,
Dance together, together.

The king comes, eya
To disturb the dance, eya
For he is very afraid, eya
That someone will want to steal,
The April Queen.
Go away, go away, you jealous ones.
Let us, let us,
Dance together, together.

But she wouldn’t let him do it, eya
For she needs not an old man, eya
But a graceful young one, eya
Who would well know how to comfort,
The delightful lady.
Go away, go away, you jealous ones,
Let us, let us,
Dance together, together.

Whoever would see her dance, eya
And her pretty body move, eya
Could well say, in truth, eya
That in all the world she has no equal,
The joyous queen.
Go away, go away, you jealous ones,
Let us, let us,
Dance together, together.

Rambaut de Vaquieras: Kalenda Maia (Occitan)

Kalenda maia
Ni fueills de faia
Ni chans d'auzell ni flors de glaia
Non es qe.m plaia,
Pros dona gaia,
Tro q'un isnell messagier aia
Del vostre bell cors, qi.m retraia
Plazer novell q'amors m'atraia
E jaia,
E.m traia
Vas vos, donna veraia,
E chaia
De plaia
.l gelos, anz qe.m n'estraia.

Ma bell' amia,

Per Dieu non sia

Qe ja.l gelos de mon dan ria,

Qe car vendria
Sa gelozia,
Si aitals dos amantz partia;
Q'ieu ja joios mais non seria,
Ni jois ses vos pro no.m tenria;
Tal via
Q'oms ja mais no.m veiria;
Cell dia
Donna pros, q'ie.us perdria.

Con er perduda

Ni m'er renduda

Donna, s'enanz non l'ai aguda

Qe drutz ni druda
Non es per cuda;
Mas qant amantz en drut si muda,
L'onors es granz qe.l n'es creguda,
E.l bels semblanz fai far tal bruda;
Qe nuda
No.us ai, ni d'als vencuda;
Vos ai, ses autr'ajuda.

Tart m'esjauzira,

Pos ja.m partira,

Bells Cavalhiers, de vos ab ira,

Q'ailhors no.s vira
Mos cors, ni.m tira
Mos deziriers, q'als non dezira;
Q'a lauzengiers sai q'abellira,
Donna, q'estiers non lur garira:
Tals vira,
Mos danz, qi.lls vos grazira,
Qe.us mira,
Cuidanz, don cors sospira.

Tant gent comensa,

Part totas gensa,

Na Beatritz, e pren creissensa

Vostra valensa;
Per ma credensa,
De pretz garnitz vostra tenensa
E de bels ditz, senes failhensa;
De faitz grazitz tenetz semensa;
Avetz e coneissensa;
Ses tensa
Vistetz ab benvolensa.

Donna grazida,

Qecs lauz' e crida

Vostra valor q'es abellida,

E qi.us oblida,
Pauc li val vida,
Per q'ie.us azor, donn' eissernida;
Qar per gencor vos ai chauzida
E per meilhor, de prez complida,
Genses q'Erecs Enida.
N'Engles, ai l’estampida.

The First of May (English Translation)

Neither calends of May,

nor leaves of beech

nor songs of bird, nor gladiolus flowers

are of my liking,

o noble and merry lady,
until I have a fleet messenger
of your beautiful person to tell me
of new pleasures love and joy
are bringing;
and I repair
to you, true lady;
and let me crush
and strike
the jealous, before I depart from here.

My beautiful friend
by God, this never be:
that out of jealousy one scoffs at my harm,
he'd command a dear price
for his jealousy
if it were such as to part two lovers;
Since never again I'd be happy
nor would I know happiness, without you;
I'd take
such a way
that I'd never be seen by men again;
that day
I'll die,
brave lady, in which I lose you.

How could I lose
or retrieve
a lady, before I have had her?
neither leman nor lover
is such by imagination alone;
but when a suitor turns into a lover
great is the honour he has accrued,
such is the fame produced by a sweet glance;
yet naked
you I have never, nor others have won you;
longed for,
you I have, without any meed.

I'd hardly rejoice
should I part from you,
my Beautiful Knight, in sorrow,
since it doesn't turn anywhere else
my hart, nor drags me
my desire, since it desires naught else.
The slanderers, I know, would be pleased,
lady, as otherwise they'd find no peace.
Such one would see
and listen to
my loss, who would be indebted to you for it
as he looks at you
and considers
in his presumption, for which my heart sighs.

So kindly blossoms,
shining above all,
noble Beatriz, and so kindly grows
your valour;
in my opinion
your dominion is adorned with worth
and of fair speech, without doubt.
You are the source of gracious deeds;
and mercy
you have, along with knowledge;
beyond all dispute
you clothe in kindness.

Gracious lady,
everyone praises and proclaims
your worth, which gives such pleasure;
and he who forgets you,
prizes life but a trifle
and so I adore you, distinguished lady;
since I have chosen you as the kindest
and as the best, laden with worth,
I have flattered
and served
you more kindly than Eric did Enid.
and ended,
Dame Engles, I have the estampida.

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